Senior Secondary Recognized & Affiliated to C.B.S.E

The broad aims of DECENT is to adopt learning techniques and methods to the hidden potentials of the children and channelize the same for all round personality development. The DECENT provides education with a difference which conforms to acceptable and proper teaching systems. It is a system for helping the children in learning the world around them while playing the games in a free and homely atmosphere. They learn even while being away from parents. We are providing the opportunities to our students to experiment, listen, interact, feel, touch, smell, understand and observe the things around them without any fear and burden. We help the children in becoming self dependent and enhance their self confidence level. DECENT houses the children in very neat, clean and safe school building. The class rooms are bright, colorful, well decorated and arranged with child sized furniture convenient for children. The school rooms are cool, spacious and equipped with play-way and effective teaching aids. Montessori Students put in small groups on the low height conference table for better learning. We perform different activities to stimulate child’s talent, to awake his potentials, and to nourish his Creativity, Curiosity and intellectual growth.
Learning by books and Learning by experience are two different processes. We strive to combine the best of both the methods of learning. To make teaching learning process more purposeful teachers prepare activity sheets for the children.
We encourage, stimulate children by bringing real world to their classroom as it is an ideal beginning of the life long process of learning. The Children are allowed to learn according to individual needs and for this roll strength of the class is kept to the minimum. An introduction of 3R's Reading, Writing, Arithmetic is made. Reading and writing provides pleasure to them and Arithmetic make their mind sharp.

Our Founder Principal
Renu Gupta, Principal is a dedicated and renowned personality in the field of education since last 3 decades. She qualified as Master in Business Economics from Delhi University and served as Lecturer in D.R. College of Delhi University. After leaving lecturership she dedicated herself to the field of education. She did her Best and opened a preparatory school in Trinagar and Rohini, Delhi.
Looking to the faith and desire of the parents she started a senior secondary school in 2002 on DDA land in Sector-3, Rohini, Delhi named as 'Decent Public School'. The school is recognized by Directorate of Education, Delhi and affiliated to CBSE, Delhi in Science, Commerce, Humanities and Computer science. She has a commitment to provide a wide range of specially designed creative and interactive enrichment activities to enable an individual to develop his full potential through balanced schooling. She says, "whenever a parent comes and request that they want their child to be the top most child of the class, I always counsel them No, this is not a healthy thinking, your expectation should not be imposed on your child, he will not be able to develop in the right perspective, let him be a good individual first, he will definitely be a top most person of the world later."
She says "Academic excellence is of great priority at her school, but it is not the only one." If we want to make our child a global child, we should relate education with all spheres of development and organize learning to ensure that 'No child is left behind'. It is not what we teach but it is 'How students can learn'. Now the children are ready to learn through logic and reasoning. For this she has made the best use of her long experience of teaching and administration.