Senior Secondary Recognized & Affiliated to C.B.S.E
School Rules
School Rules
Students are required to bring their school diaries to the school every day.
Students who come to the school on their own should reach school five minutes before the bill rings.
The students must be present from the first day of the each term and if he/she is away from the school for five consecutive days without permission, his name shall be struck-off from the register and he will be re-admitted only of there is a vacancy and on payment of re-admitted fee. In all cases of leave ot absence he has to take prior permission from the principal except in case of unforeseen circumstances for which an authentic reason will be furnished by his parents/guardian.
Students must be courteous to his teachers, elders and fellow students. Mis-behaviour on the part of a student with any staff member or indiscipline of any kind may compel the school authorities to strike off his/her name.
Every students needs to main the school premises clean and tidy. Waste paper and other waste material should be thrown in the bins provided for the purpose. Defacing of walls, damaging of furniture, tampering with the plants in the garden etc. will be severely dealt with.
Pupil are responsible for the safe custody of their books and other belongings. No valuable articles should be brought to the school.
Students are not allowed to leave the school premises during the school hours without the permission of the principal.
Students should be nearly dressed.
Students should not bring any objectionable literature in the school.
No shouting or whistling is allowed in the school premises.
Students are not allowed to purchase any food article from unauthorized vendor near the school premises.
The school reserves the right to suspend the student whose progress in studies is unsatisfactory or whose conduct is harmful to other students
Students are not allowed to use the school telephone without the permission of the receptionist.
Students who travel by school bus should wait at their bus shop in an orderly fashion. They should not hang out or stand the foot boards of the bus. They should not board or align from the moving bus.
Students are advised to deposit the articles found in the school to their class teacher or to the receptionist.
Since Decent is a co-educational institute, it is expected that students should behave in a manner which brings a good name to the school community and do not indulge in any anti social activity. Students will be answerable to the school authorities for their misconduct in the school.
No other two wheelers are allowed in the school premises except auto gears, mopeds and scooters. Students are not allowed to use bikes, scooter or cars, etc.
Loitering on the way when coming to/from school is totally discouraged. Students have no contact with strangers on their way to or back from the school.
The observance of rules of discipline of the school and good behaviors is an essential condition to a student’s continuance in the school. In case any student violates the school rules or indulge in any form of indiscipline, strict action like expulsion/suspension/rustication shall be taken against him/her.
Students are not allowed to carry mobile phone in the school. If found, then mobile will be given only to the parents.