Senior Secondary Recognized & Affiliated to C.B.S.E
Our Curriculum is Designed keeping in mind
the structure & Principles of New Education Policy 2020.
The school is divided into four main levels
Foundational wing (Pre-school to II level)
Preparatory wing ( classes- III to V level)
Middle wing (classes VI to VIII level)
Secondary wing (classes IX to XII level)
Foundational wing(Pre-school to II)
This is the entry level of the school and admission is given based on the guidelines of the Department of Education, Delhi and Registration forms open as per D.O.E. guidelines from year to year. The forms for current year have already opened. For more details see under Admission Section
Our foundational wing follows flexible, multifaceted, multi level, play-based, activity based and enquiry based learning comprising of alphabets, languages, numbers, counting , colours, shapes, drawing, painting, art & craft, music. It also includes a focus on developing social capacities' sensitivity, good behaviour, courtesy, personal hygiene team work and cooperation.
It overall aim of our curriculum is to attain optimal outcomes in the domains of
Physical & motor development
Cognitive development
Socio-emotional-ethical development
Artistic development
Development of communication & early language, literacy, numeracy.
Preparatory Wing ( III to V )
The Preparatory wing is entry for formal education.
The Preparatory stage comprises of three years of education building on the play, discovery and activity based and will also begin to incorporate some light textbooks as well as aspected of more formal but interactive class room learning including reading, writing, speaking, physical education, art, languages, science & mathematics.
Middle Wing ( VI to VIII )
The child enters the adolescence which encompasses physical, mental and emotional changes. The child is expected to have better communication and social skills along with confidence and getting along with his classmates.
The middle wing stage comprises of three years of education building on the curricular style of the preparatory stage but with the introduction of subjects teachers for learning and discussion of the more abstract that the student will be ready for at this stage across the science, mathematics, arts, social science & humanities.
Secondary Wing ( IX to XII )
The Secondary wing stage will comprise of four years of multi disciplinary study building on the curricular style of the middle stage, but with greater depth, greater critical thinking, greater alternation to life aspirations and greater flexibility and students choice of subjects. In particular students would continue to have the option of exiting after level 10 and re-entering in the next phase to pursue vocational or any other courses available in level 11-12, including at a more specialized school, if so desired.